Our doctors are PACE certified to offer C.E. credits at some of the events and at an affordable price! (Some are even FREE!) We are able to do so because of all the wonderful support from our referring dental offices. Thank you! If you would like to find out more information on referring to our office, please do not hesitate to reach out; we look forward to working with you!
Stay tuned for upcoming events happening after the new year!
From everyone here at the Meyer Clinic, we hope you have a great holiday season!
May 8th, 2019, 8:00 PM: Dental Implant Maintenance Webinar VIEW FLYER
Join us for a fun and interactive discussion about implant maintenance! We will be discussing care and treatment for clinicians and how to educate your patients to care for their implants themselves.
March 6th, 2019: Analysis of Dental Risks and Libabilites
Summer 2018: Dr. Jay Bukzin joins Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry in Jamaica!
In April 1986 Dr. Mario Saravia led volunteer faculty and students from the MCV School of Dentistry down to the parish of Manchester, Jamaica to provide dental care. His description of the venture was, “Improvisation at its best”.
That initial effort demonstrated what could be possible. Options were considered and after deliberation between people in Jamaica and the U.S. a second trip was undertaken in 1987. The results were felt by all to be extremely successful. Relationships were formed and resources proved to be solid enough that efforts remained focused in that region.
Since those early trips there have been well over 500 volunteers that have participated and over 40,000 patients that have been treated. It has been an annual occurrence in Trelawny that “the dentists” have traveled the local roads providing services in clinics and schools. It speaks to what can unfold when someone with a curious energy starts wondering,…… “What could happen if we,….”
October 17th, 2018: Opioid Epidemic, CE Lecture
October 4th, 2018: Oktoberfest Happy Hour!
August 30th, 2018: Free Ice Cream Day!
June 20th, 2018: Building Your Hiring Muscles: Advanced Hiring Techniques