By following these instructions carefully the patient can avoid the complications which lead to unnecessary discomfort delayed recovery, or a compromised result which could lead to further surgery. Should any undue reaction or complications arise, notify the office immediately.

Fracture Post-Operative Instructions

  • 1) Take any special medications such as antibiotic we have prescribed on the specified dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or addophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotic to completion (as directed). If you are given antibiotics and take birth control pills, you should be aware that the birth control pill may become ineffective, therefore please consider alternative contraception measures.
  • 2) Some degree of discomfort and pain may arise as the numbness subsides. At the first sign of pain or discomfort take the prescribed non-narcotic medication. If the pain persists, you can follow up the non-narcotic medication with the prescribed narcotic. Please be advised that prior to taking any narcotic medication, you must eat, as not doing so can cause nausea / vomiting.
  • 3) Limit physical activity during the first 24–48 hours after surgery. Over exertion may lead to post-operative bleeding and discomfort. When you lie down, keep your head elevated at least 45 degrees on a pillow.
  • 4) Apply ice to your face for the first three days (72 hours) after surgery
  • 5) Begin application of warm compresses on the fourth day following surgery
  • 6) You should resume brushing your teeth the morning following surgery. This is to be done very gently utilizing a soft bristle tooth brush. Warm salt water rinses should be done following brushing, as well as after mealtime and then again at bedtime. (8 oz. of warm water and 1 tsp. of salt).
  • 7) Peridex mouth rinse is to be used twice a day. Swish for 1 min. then spit. Once in the morning then again at bedtime.
  • 8) Wax has been provided for you and is to be used to smooth over any areas of wire which may cause discomfort or irritation to the gums. Be sure to remove wax before meals as well as for brushing and rinsing. It is extremely important to you recovery to keep up good oral hygiene.
  • 9) Diet should consist of liquids and pureed foods. A multivitamin and dietary drink supplements are highly encouraged (i.e. Ensure). Use of a straw will be necessary.

If you had dental (endosteal) implants placed, general post-operative instructions apply, but we would like to emphasize a few things:

  • 1) Placement of dental (endosteal) implants usually does not create a great deal of pain. Pain is usually controlled with 800mg Motrin/Ibuprofen/Advil or 2 tabs of 325mg Tylenol/Acetaminophen. However, your surgeon has provided a narcotic pain medication for severe pain if necessary, take only as directed.
  • 2) You need to brush the area after the first 24 hours with a very soft toothbrush. Do not avoid brushing the area. Most times the sutures that are placed are dissolvable sutures which will dissolve on their own in 7-10 days.
  • 3) If a one-stage implant was placed so that you can actually see the metal part protruding from the gum tissue, it is very important for you to keep this area clean. You may start with a Q-tip dipped in Peridex (prescribed) or even warm salt water. Just clean the metal part protruding from the tissue. Then you can proceed to a soft toothbrush.
  • 4) Avoid chewing hard foods on the implant sites. Chewing forces during the healing phase can decrease the body’s ability to heal around the implant, leading to non-integration.

Here are some guidelines and instructions for you to follow to aid in the healing and recovery of your dental implant surgery: 

  • Rest at home, keep quiet, and generally take it easy for 24-48 hours following surgery. It may not be necessary to go to bed, however, it is important that you rest.
  • If you had general anesthesia or I.V. sedation, you may experience light-headedness, dizziness, and sleepiness following surgery. It is advisable not to stay alone. A responsible adult should stay with you for 12 hours after surgery.
  • We know what you are eager to see the surgery that has been performed. However, please do not forcefully pull your lips or cheeks away to inspect the surgical site. This action could tear your sutures or delay healing. 
  • The mouth may be gently rinsed with warm salt water solution starting around two hours after your surgery. This rinsing should be done frequently, especially after meals and before bedtime for one week. You may drink a moderate amount of liquids (water, milk, juice, etc.).


The surgical area will swell and may become quite large. After the procedure, apply an ice pack to the side of your face where the surgery was performed at 15 minutes intervals for the remainder of the day. A warm compress will aid in reducing swelling after the first 24 hours. Swelling usually reaches it maximum within the first 40 hours post-surgery and then slowly decreases.


Bruising sometimes occurs after implant surgery. It is a natural result of the drilling involved to place the implants and you should not be alarmed if it occurs, the bruising often shows up a few days post-surgery and may be located either above or below the area that the implants were placed.

Please do not smoke.

Smoking may dry out the tissues and delay healing. Smoking can also cause you to bleed more and for longer periods of time. Learn more about the dangers of smoking during your surgical period.

Recommended Diet

No straws, please.  It is most important that you maintain a nutritious diet during the weeks of healing. The patient who maintains a good diet of soft foods generally feels better has less discomfort, and heals faster. Since you will be taking medication, it is important that you eat to prevent nausea.  Here are some foods we recommend:

Soft food diet post dental implant surgery

•Cooked Carrot
•Soft cooked vegetable
•Soft boiled or scrambled eggs
•Baked/Mashed Potatoes
•Broiled fish
•Stewed chicken
•Fruit Smoothies
•Pudding Jello
•Cottage cheese
•Ice cream/Milkshakes


If you currently wear a full or partial denture or a single-tooth prosthesis (called a flipper) you may wear your appliance immediately after the implant surgery, unless your oral surgeon instructs you otherwise. Your appliance should be left in for the first 24 hours to help contour the gum underneath and minimize swelling. On the day following the surgery, your appliance may be removed for cleaning purposes (rinsing and brushing), but should not be left out for a long period of time.

Three days after surgery, your appliance may be left out for a period of time and at night. If your gums are excessively sore or you feel unusual pressure from your appliance, you should not wear it until you have seen your dentist or surgeon and have it adjusted.

You can expect to be uncomfortable for the first day after surgery. The second day may also be uncomfortable with some more noticeable swelling. On the third day, discomfort generally lessens, with progressive improvement thereafter.


Take your prescribed medication as directed. 

As always, we are concerned about your well-being. If you experience any difficulty in breathing, excessive bleeding, persistent nausea/vomiting, or any pain that is unusual, please call us at any time.

Arlington: (703) 483-9591

Gainesville: (703) 753-7933